Monday, July 28, 2008

Weight Loss - Surprisingly Rapid

In my estimation, I've been quite active my entire life. Throughout my working life, I've managed to run and bike throughout the week and weekends, though not religiously. Meaning, I didn't keep a regular schedule that dictated I run x miles on this day and ride x miles on that day (unless I was "training" for an upcoming race). Having said that, I considered myself to be within 2-3 lbs of my optimum weight for my height. Over the last few years I've been around 185 lbs (at 6'1" tall). A couple of years ago I do recall getting up to 187 during the holiday season.

But, after moving to Los Angeles in July 2007, I ran a half marathon in December 2007 and began riding my bike to work a few months ago about three times a week. On the weekends I generally run about 3 to 5 miles (if I feel like it) or have a longer ride. As a result, I've noticed the weight shed, and shed. When I graduated high school I weighed 175 lbs. Yesterday I weighed myself and the scale hit 168 lbs. OK, so that was right after a relatively long ride and I was slightly dehydrated. But, after re-hydrating I checked my weight again and the scale reads 170 lbs. I've lost 15-17 lbs in one year. The good thing about that is that I'm not really going to a gym and exercising. I'm just getting myself to work and back. So, when I get home, I've already had my exercise and I'm free to lay around the house!

I felt that this would be a good topic to write about because I know that weight loss is a big topic, at least in the US. For those who live within 10 miles of work, perhaps you'd enjoy riding your bike to work a couple of days per week.

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